LinkedIn can be known for “cringe” posts with tenuous connections to career advice, or self-congratulatory “humbled and honored” posts.

But, LinkedIn is also a treasure trove of content, connections, job postings, and other helpful resources (including memes) – if you are a law student, you can ignore LinkedIn at your peril!

Given the power of LinkedIn in this phase of a law student’s career to learn, connect, engage, and apply, we are humbled and honored to include a category on our site dedicated to leveraging LinkedIn.

by Amanda Haverstick

Dear 2L,

When you are just starting to “network” in the big, legal world, it may be a bit intimidating. You may feel like you’re asking for help, or for a favor, from the person you reach out to.

by Amanda Haverstick

Dear 1L,

Last fall, I received a flood of panicked calls from jobless 2Ls. 

Don’t let that be you. Don’t wait till after OCI. Go all-in with networking NOW.  Here, some steps to start on LinkedIn.

by Amanda Haverstick

Dear 1L, You should include your LinkedIn address (your .url) with your email and phone number at the top of your resume.

Did you know you can also customize your LinkedIn address to remove all the extraneous numbers & letters that come with your default .url?

More videos and blog posts coming soon!

Stay tuned!